Bahasa Inggris II (Mid Test)

Chapter I
A. Fundament Theory
English is a very simple language. Because the function is simple. Like simple compound, and complex sentence. You just learning and speak english. And you must remember adjective, adverb, verb first. Remember vocabulary, you can fast learning english.

Chapter II
1. Simple Sentences
Example:               Explanation :
She goes to the library everyday          1.Subject  2.Verb.  3.Preposition  4.Place   5.Adverb
   1      2    3              4          5
2. Compound Sentences
Example: I  try to speak english, and my friend tries speak Spanish.
  1. 2    3      4           5         6     7       8        9       10      11
Explanation: 1 = Subject, 2.= Verb, 3.= preposition, 4. Verb, 5. Adverb, 6. = related, 7.= subject, 8 = object. 9. Mencoba. 10. Place.
3. Complex Sentences
Example : Unless you wan’t trouble, you should stop.
Depend subject independent.
Contain more common coordinators ( penghubung ).
Gerund (-ing)
The use of gerund :
1. As a Subject :
Example : Swiming is good exercise.
         v1.+ -ing
2. As an Object after contain  :
Example : Before leaving the house, she checked all windows.
       V+-ing Place      S     v+-ed               O
3. And anything else
Like = As an object of preposition, As a subject complement, As a modifier. That’s five.

Example : He want’s to go. Explanation : P=predikat.
      S            P    V1
1. To Express :
Verb following by infinitive. Like agree and desire.
Conditional Sentences.
There are three:
Type I : If (If clause), (main clause).
The formula is = If + S + V1 + C, S + will + C.
Type II : If + S + v2 + C, S + would + V1 + C.
Type III : If + S + had + V3 + C, S + would have + V3 + C.
Example : make by yourself.

Chapter III
Conclusion :
We must learn english first. But must child. Because when we are children, we don’t know anything.


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